Tonight's call was extremely informative.
with Invocation: Violet Flame and Pillar of White Light of Protection. -
ZARAYA tells of shape-shifting into Mer body, swimming with cruise
ships; saw Ashtar's crew vacuuming ocean of pollution. QUAZAR tells of
huge portal just opening. ZORRA: About dark's intrusion into last week's
call by four warlocks - What IS a warlock? A witch? What is
Magic? Druids? Merlin? The Titans? SARYYA: Maganificent things
beginning to happen! Portals! Being trained in our sleep. Hollow Earth
commonly uses magic as shape-shifting, manifesting; anything is
possible. Use of Containment to stop cabal? "Yes, and..." -
ANNE: Interim President of New Republic is now in Oval Office? ZORRA:
Coming Announcements: NESARA; No IRS; No DEBTS - Republic Interim
President, St Germain, Ashtar, Prime Creator, Ascended Masters all in
48-hour meeting in White House AS WE SPEAK. Area 51 now "owned" by New
Republic Militrary. A-51 tunnels reopened to Hollow Earth. Tunnels to
surface now opened by forest fires allowing Emergence.. All
International borders: check points coming down - people will just walk
from couintry to counmtry in US and Europe - A peek at things to
come; worldwide changes - On Mars, joint civilization since 50's: :
American, Russian, Chinese. Coming Announcement from White House:
"Republic is restored." - At end of 48-hour meeting? Prime Creator's Announcement. - HEALING PULSE, joined by Arcturians, mass healings. Releases from prisons, asylums. Captors awaken, aware: "This is wrong!"
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