Metatron Cube
by Rev. CarolineDawley
Metatron's Cube
An hour before
you go to bed, ask Archangel Metatron to prepare his Light Bath for you.
If you are in peaceful surroundings, you may be aware of a gentle current
of light running through your body. Relax and allow this to be. Archangel
Metatron is the Primary Source of Pure Light available to Humanity, and an
absolute expert in Light Quotient building.
Once in bed, or in your receptive state, state the following, either aloud
or mentally.
Invocation: 'Archangel Metatron, please now place me within your light
Visualize yourself lying horizontally, completely relaxed, on a bed. All around
you are pillars of beautiful, golden, glowing light. These are all around you,
in precise geometric locations. You are lying directly within the Centrex of a
It is the size of an average bedroom and has more than enough room to fit
you comfortably within the centre.
golden light
Close your eyes, and imagine yourself and every cell of your body, becoming
pure, Honey Golden, Liquid Light.
Feel Archangel Metatron's beautiful, divine presence, as he places his
hands upon you. All your stresses, strains and worries dissolve as the
Archangel pours his frequency through every cell of your being. As you become
more relaxed and more immersed in his Light, you will notice that the room is
becoming brighter. This does not disturb your relaxation. You become more at
ease. Archangel Metatron is simply amplifying the Light Quotient of your bath
to precisely suit your needs.
You will never be 'overcooked' or receive more light than you individually
Ask Archangel
Metatron to dissolve anything within your body, aura, or fields that you know
has been an issue within the course of your day, for example, anxiety, any fear
that you may be running, physical issues ( i.e. headaches, injuries, any other
'body stuff'). Feel his golden light
flowing through every chakra, opening them and spinning them at a fifth
dimensional frequency.
Finally, ask Archangel Metatron to hold your perfect level of Light
Quotient within your body and fields at all times, day and night. Relax and
Thank you AA Metatron
by: Rev. Caroline Dawley
Note: Archangel Metatron is considered to be one of the most supreme
angelic beings sitting next to the throne of God and at depicted as the crown
of the tree of life in Qabbalistic teachings. He is the representative of the
Source, creator of the outer worlds. He helped in building the Great Pyramid of
Giza and placed within it the purity that goes with that high vibrational area.
Creator of the Electron, Metatron transfers the Divine Blueprint of
Creation to all levels below him. He is credited as ministering the sacred
geometric patterns of the universe and his vast consciousness is very involved
in Earth evolution especially in bringing in the Platinum Cosmic Light of
Union. He teaches classes on inner planes, especially in
the use of Light within physical manifestation to raise consciousness
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