Created on: 19/03/14 | Category: Articles / Astrology / Cosmology / Blog / Monthly Energy Reports
As we now pass the March 2014 Equinox, April 2014 heralds a very rare astrological event, where four planets (PLUTO opposing JUPITER & MARS opposing URANUS), are at exact 900 angles to one another, hence forming a Grand Cross in our celestial skies.
To add to this melting pot of transformational energies, the climax of this Cardinal Grand Cross on the 23/24 April 2014 takes place between two eclipses; a Total Lunar Eclipse on the 14 April 2014 followed by a Solar Eclipse on the 28 April 2014.
Please find below my article on these potent astrological events during April 2014 as well as tips / tools on who to embrace their potency within your life.
To make this article more reader friendly, I have broken it up into 6 sections, such that you can read the bits that interest you the most and skip over those area’s where you already have a good grounding in astrological terms READ MORE
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