The Olympic Games and Our Collective Consciousness by Patricia Cota-Robles
February 2014
We are in the midst of the XXII Winter Olympic Games. These are the first
Olympics since the birth of the New Earth which was God Victoriously
accomplished in the Realms of Cause on December 21-22, 2012. The Olympic Games
have always provided Lightworkers with a powerful opportunity to add to the
Light of the World. That is due to the fact that during this global event
between five and six billion people, at one time or another, turn their
attention to the games. Humanity’s unified focus of attention creates a
Collective Cup of Consciousness through which the Company of Heaven and every
person’s I AM Presence can empower the Divine Intent of the Olympics and expand
the Light of God on Earth.
The Divine Intent of the Olympic Games is for the Family of Humanity to set
aside our differences and to come together in Peace as we attain our highest
level of excellence. The Olympics focus on sports and the various abilities of
Humanity’s physical bodies, but with the patterns of perfection for the New
Earth now flowing into the mental and emotional strata of this planet that
intention has expanded tremendously. During these Olympic Games, we are being
given the opportunity to greatly accelerate the Divine Alchemy that is
transforming the carbon-based cells in our physical, etheric, mental, and
emotional bodies into the Crystalline-based Cells of our 5th-Dimensional Solar
Light Bodies.
The Beings of Light have told us that 2014 will be a year like no other.
They revealed that through the unified efforts of the Company of Heaven and the
I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth, Humanity will begin to
see tangible evidence of the transformation that is taking place daily and
hourly within our Earthly Bodies.
The 5th-Dimensional
Crystalline Solar Light Bodies we will all abide in when our Ascension process
onto the New Earth is complete will transcend the maladies and the gross
mutations we inadvertently created after our fall from Grace aeons ago. Those human miscreations include aging, disease,
degeneration, deformities, and every mental and emotional dysfunction Humanity
is experiencing. Even death as we know it now is a human miscreation.
The life-transforming events that are destined to accelerate the Divine
Alchemy in our bodies during 2014 will not occur by happenstance. This
accelerated process will unfold step by step through the unified efforts of you
and me and the rest of Humanity working AS our I AM Presence. The Company of
Heaven said that we will catapult this process forward by leaps and bounds if we
will utilize the Collective Cup of Consciousness being created by the focused
attention of Humanity during the XXII Winter Olympic Games. These are the
largest Olympic Games we have ever experienced. And in perfect Divine
Order...TWENTY -TWO is the master number that reflects “Power on all planes and
the ability to change the course of history.” The Beings of Light in the Realms
of Illumined Truth have given us a very powerful Activity of Light that is
specifically designed to accelerate the Divine Alchemy that is transforming our
carbon-based bodies into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Bodies.
They are encouraging us to participate in this Activity of Light during the
Olympic Games and throughout the rest of this year of transfiguration.
As we progress through 2014, the Company of Heaven is going to guide us
through several other amazing opportunities that will help us to exponentially
accelerate our individual and collective Ascension process.
The following is a Gift of the Activity of Light that has been given to us
by the Company of Heaven. Please participate according to your Heart’s Call.
KNOW that Cosmic Moments come and Cosmic Moments go. This is a Cosmic Moment,
please do not let this opportunity pass you by.
Divine Alchemy
We Are Becoming 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Beings
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
This Activity of Light is lifting me into the 5th-Dimensional
Crystalline-based frequencies of the New Earth. I accept the profound Truth
that as I AM lifted up ALL Life is being lifted up with me.
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity.
I AM One with my Father-Mother God and I AM One with the entire Company of
Through my sincere Heart Call ALL of these magnificent Forces of Light have
joyously come to help Humanity’s I AM Presence raise and sustain every man,
woman, and child on Earth in Christ Consciousness and the 5th-Dimensional
frequencies of our Crystalline Solar Light Bodies. In this level of Divine
Consciousness and Crystalline Light, Transfiguring Divine Love, the Oneness of
ALL Life, and Reverence for every particle and wave of Life throughout the
whole of Creation are the ONLY Reality.
Beloved Legions of Light, I ask that you gather up every electron of
precious Life energy being expended by Humanity this Sacred and Holy Day.
Purify this energy with the power and might of a thousand Suns using the
5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of the Violet Flame. Weave this
purified energy into the Collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness, so that
this precious Life energy will be used by every person’s I AM Presence in the
Divine Alchemy of transforming our carbon-based cells into the infinite
perfection of our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies.
And I begin...
I first perceive my Crystalline Etheric Solar Light Body. This vehicle is
associated with the Air Element. My etheric body is the vehicle that is encoded
with my full Divine Potential and my Divine Plan. These codes reverberate with
the patterns of perfection that were reflected in my physical body prior to
Humanity’s fall from Grace.
Under the Law of Karma, which was created after the fall, Humanity had
little chance of experiencing vibrant health, eternal youth, or radiant beauty
in our physical bodies. Now, however, my I AM Presence and my 5th-Dimensional
Body Elemental take command. The Law of Karma is superseded by the Immaculate
Concept of my Divine Plan and the perfection of my Crystalline Etheric Solar
Light Body.
Within my etheric body my I AM Presence now declares to all obsolete Karmic
patterns, “Stand aside for the I AM Presence and the perfection of my
Crystalline Etheric Solar Light Body.” The Karmic patterns are instantaneously
transmuted into Light by the new Solar Frequencies of the Violet Flame.
From this moment forth, all energy passing from my I AM Presence into my
etheric body and then into my physical body will pass through the perfection of
my Crystalline Etheric Solar Light Body.
My Mother God, the Holy Spirit, now Baptizes my Crystalline Etheric Solar
Light Body with Sacred Fire. This blessing seals the 5th-Dimensional
frequencies of the Air Element within this vehicle and a scintillating
forcefield of infinite perfection is formed.
My Crystalline
Emotional Solar Light Body now comes into view. This vehicle is associated with the Water Element. It is the body through
which the Love Nature of my Father-Mother God is expressed in the world of
form. This is my most powerful vehicle. Eighty percent of my Lifeforce is
released through my emotional body.
My I AM Presence and my 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental step forth to take
command of this vehicle. As they do, the full Divine Momentum of my
Father-Mother God’s Love begins to flow through my Heart Flame. The Love of God
expands through my Crystalline Emotional Solar Light Body and forms a Cosmic
Forcefield of Divine Love that encompasses the entire Planet Earth.
This forcefield of my Father-Mother God’s Love expands the Love flowing
through every person’s Heart Flame, and opens each person’s 5th-Dimensional
Crystalline Heart Chakra to new breadths. Love reigns supreme through all
Creation, and this Activity of Light ensures that our 5th-Dimensional
Crystalline Solar Light Bodies are becoming a tangible reality.
Within this all-encompassing Forcefield of Divine Love, the last vestige of
my human ego surrenders to my I AM Presence. Within the embrace of my I AM
Presence my ego lets go of its resistance to my Divine Plan, and its desire to
block my Divine Potential as a Beloved Son or Daughter of God.
My ego dissolves into the loving embrace of my I AM Presence where it is
transformed by the Love of my Father-Mother God. My ego is scientifically,
psychologically, physiologically, and spiritually transformed. My I AM Presence
now inbreathes and absorbs my human ego into the fullness of my true God
Reality and all aspects of my own Divinity.
My Mother God now
Baptizes my most powerful Crystalline Emotional Solar Light Body with Sacred
Fire. This blessing seals the
5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Water Element within this vehicle and a
scintillating forcefield of infinite perfection is formed.
Through this
blessing my feeling nature becomes One with the Feeling Nature of God. My
emotional world is now filled with God’s Infinite Love and all of the various
aspects of God’s wondrous Love. Through my Crystalline
Emotional Solar Light Body I AM able to perpetually express the Harmony of my
true Being.
Now my Crystalline
Physical Solar Light Body comes to the fore. My physical body is associated with the Earth Element. The limitless
physical perfection of my I AM Presence is reflected in my Crystalline Physical
Solar Light Body. My I AM Presence and my 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental take
command of this vehicle. Every cell, gland, organ, muscle, and function of my
physical body have long awaited this Cosmic Moment.
My Crystalline Physical Solar Light Body is composed of Crystalline Cells
that are absorbing Light from the Infinite Universe and assimilating that Light
into the atoms and molecules that form each cell of my body. Every Crystalline
Cell in my physical body is also absorbing the Cosmic River of Crystalline
Light that is cascading through my I AM Presence from the very Heart of my
Father-Mother God.
I AM my I AM Presence inbreathing, absorbing, expanding, and projecting the
fullness of this Crystalline Light into my flesh vehicle. Not only is every
cell of my body becoming a Crystalline Cell, each one is now swirling with
multicolored dazzling Solar Light. This amazing influx of Light is generating unexplored
levels of limitless physical perfection, vibrant health, radiant beauty,
abundance, joy, and bliss. My Crystalline Physical Solar Light Body responds to
this Divine Input which is coming from every Realm of Light.
My Crystalline Physical Solar Light Body will never again accept Karma
dictating the reality of its physical functioning or its appearance. After the
fall the flesh vehicle ended up being the repository for Karmic lessons that
were never learned. I know now that distorted perception has been transmuted
into Light. I accept this profound Truth, and I agree to abide in my
Crystalline Physical Solar Light Body while deeply enjoying the Divine Alchemy
of infinite perfection that is continually expanding within all of my
Crystalline Solar Light Bodies.
My Mother God now
Baptizes my Crystalline Physical Solar Light Body with Sacred Fire. This blessing seals the 5th-Dimensional
frequencies of the Earth Element within this vehicle and a scintillating
forcefield of infinite perfection is formed. Through this blessing the infinite
physical perfection of my I AM Presence is sealed in the atomic and subatomic
cellular structures of my physical body and all of the spaces in-between these
cellular structures.
My Crystalline Mental Solar Light Body now reveals itself to me. This
vehicle is associated with the Fire Element. My Crystalline Mental Solar Light
Body is One with the Divine Mind of God. My I AM Presence and my
5th-Dimensional Body Elemental take command of this vehicle, causing it to
blaze like a great Sun of Light forming a halo around my head. As the halo of
Light expands through my mental body, it encompasses all of my Crystalline
Solar Light Bodies and I become a radiant Sun of Infinite Light.
The Sacred Fire Breath
of my Father-Mother God now activates my Divine Mind, and I clearly receive
Divine Thoughts, Ideas, Concepts, Imagination, and all aspects of Divine Mind
beyond Imagination. All of these reflections of Divine Intelligence and Divine
Mind are perpetually anchoring in my conscious mind through my pineal gland and
reflecting into the outer world through my thoughts, feelings, words, actions,
beliefs, and memories.
Slowly but surely I become aware of this process. It begins with a soft
effulgent Light filling my mind. It leads me past the imagination of hopes and
dreams of a future Divinity into the ever present moment of NOW where Divine
Enlightenment, Illumination, Cosmic Wisdom, and Infinite Physical Perfection
are experienced with every breath I take.
All of the layers of human thought that were derived from my human
ego—conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind—have been transmuted in this
Light. This has created an entirely new Divine Process within my mental body
that allows me to assimilate information directly through the Divinity of my
Superconscious Mind, my I AM Presence.
I now perceive everything as Divine Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness
whether it is something in my daily life or coming to me from dimensions
beyond. I AM aware of this in my meditations and in my everyday life
experiences. I AM prepared to receive my Crystalline Mental Solar Light Body
and I accept it now.
My Mother God now Baptizes my Crystalline Mental Solar Light Body with
Sacred Fire. This blessing seals the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Fire
Element within this vehicle and a scintillating forcefield of infinite
perfection is formed. Through this blessing the Divine Mind of God is sealed
within my conscious mind and will continually reflect through my mental body.
I AM my I AM
Presence and through the Gift of this Activity of Light from On High, I AM
abiding on the New Earth in my Etheric, Emotional, Physical, and Mental
Crystalline Solar Light Bodies. Each
of my four Elemental Vehicles is now functioning in its 5th-Dimensional
Crystalline Solar Light Frequency of infinite perfection.
As I consciously
and deliberately empower this Activity of Light day after day, the Divine
Alchemy will expand and expand in my Earthly Bodies, in the Earthly Bodies of
ALL Humanity, and in the Bodies of Mother Earth and the entire Elemental
Kingdom. In what will seem like “the twinkling of an eye,” ALL Life evolving on
this sweet Earth will God Victoriously Ascend into the 5th-Dimensional Realms
of Crystalline Solar Light associated with the New Earth. Then our Planetary
CAUSE of Divine Love and our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love will be
the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth.
And so it is.
Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.
New Age Study of
Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3
nonprofit educational organization
FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of
Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through
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credit line is included. Thank You.
©2014 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the
Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these
celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by
allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often
challenging times.
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